One question: What is it about this
shallow juvenile harpy that warbloggers and other neo-con oddlings find so attractive?
Let me get this straight: People who wish Cheney would die in a terrorist assassination plot are ugly, treasonous, despicable and unbalanced.
People who wish John Edwards would die in a terrorist assassination plot are
none of the above but also applauded and showered with the undying
love of the Mark Steyn wanna-be set.
In the above post, the anti-Cheney remarks I was referring to were made by some commenters on an article at The Huffington Post. If I can find the link I will post it. But
this article from the L.A. Times discusses an even more direct point - that Coulter herself drew comparisons between her remarks and those made by Bill Maher on his show. As the Times article points out, there is no comparison to be made. What Maher said was nothing like the twisted wishes announced by Coulter.
Once again, she was full of crap.
If this surprises you I have some disappointing news about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.