Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Troop Positions

I wonder if, after reading this, all those troop-supporting war-bloggers would support these troops.
Or would they just call them names, they way they did with the British soldiers captured by Iran.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Playing Without A Full Deck

God knows he has it coming - so Sadly, No nicely lays out
the Frank Burns of the war-blogging set, Ace of Spades.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I Didn't Not Say That I Didn't Not Tell You So

Oh Dick, did you Cheney someone other?

I hope Michelle Malkin doesn't faint.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Support Hosed

Let's take a look at how the Commander Guy loves
his troops

And listen to the cricket chirps from the right wing bloggers.

More via Think Progress

So, In Other Words, You Sent Him

Uh, Mr Preznit? What you're babbling about - that's not what she asked.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ban The Bomb Photographers

From Think Progress:

Iraq bars photographers from scenes of bomb attacks.
“Iraq’s interior ministry has decided to bar news photographers and camera operators from the scenes of bomb attacks, operations director Brigadier General Abdel Karim Khalaf said on Sunday.” BarbinMD notes, “This follows the recent decision by the Iraqi government to no longer release civilian casualty figures. Toss in the U.S. policy of not including the victims of bomb attacks in casualty counts, and soon we will all be able to pretend that there is progress in Iraq.”

Because, y'know, it's going sooo well over there.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Survey Says

Look! We used our purple stained fingers again.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Check. One. Two.

Hey there. I was gone longer than I planned.

Something came up.
When I switched over to the new Blogger, much to my displeasure, it lumped all my blogs together. Since it has always been my intention to keep my politics separate from my other sites I had to take A Fine Disregard off line until I could figure out how to separate it. Unfortunately, Blogger still does not make it possible to sign over a blog to another administrator - only to add admins.
I had no choice but to restart from a clean slate. I will bring over old posts from time to time. Ones that I think contain relevant information on subjects I am posting about.
There. That's the long winded explanation for the two or three people that actually visit this site.

Now, on with the show...