Friday, December 28, 2007

Kook Book

James Wolcott on Jonah Goldberg's "misshapen troll of a book".

"Liberal Fascism is such a transparently sloppy, shifty, intellectually rinky-dink endeavor that a show of anger would be a larger expenditure of emotion than a book this second-rate deserves."

...and, being pro-choice, that is why we choose to laugh.

Out Of This World

Ah, what would we do without Rachel Marsden - Canada's answer to Stalkin' Michelle Malkin.

Mr. McKay said Ms. Marsden's claim that she had a two-year relationship with the officer was incorrect. "They met each other. From there, if she perceives some sort of relationship that lasted for two years, she would be in a different world."

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Impeachy Keen

As of this posting there are 142390 signatures.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The ***hole Truth

The world according to Wingnuts.

Quote of the day:
"By the way, ***hole, the world is still waiting for a single refutation of the Swift Boat Veterans' charges against JohnF'n Kerry."

- Abu Wabu

By "the world", I guess he means "Me, myself, I and my navel."
By "still waiting" I guess he means "still refuse to believe the mountain
of evidence
By "single refutation" I guess he means "Multiple refutations don't count...***hole!!!"

Others stopped waiting a long time ago.
By "others" I mean anyone who was gullible enough to believe any of that gruel in the first place.