Thursday, April 30, 2009

History Lessen

Michele Bachmann (R-Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs), the gift that keeps on giving.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mother Whacking Conservative Principles

Shorter Byron York: "Obama popular? Sure, if you count what those people think."

The First One Hundred Days!!!1!!

From our You Can Please Some Of The People None Of The Time dept.

Remember how outrageous it was when Barack bowed to the Saudi King and remember how outrageous it was when Michelle Obama touched the Queen?

How obsequiously disrespectful!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Can't Spell "Got Pandemic?" Without G O P

The visionary geniuses of the Grand Obfuscation Party rock!
First they mock volcano monitoring. Oops.

Now this.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bursting Bubbleheads

Sadly No educates the sadly wrong.

Standing Up To Rush

Here's one person who won't be crawling to Rush, begging for forgiveness.
The reason? He's not a Republican politician.

Shane Murphy, second-in-command aboard the ship seized by Somali pirates:
"You gotta get with us or against us here, Rush," Murphy said. "The president did the right thing...It's a war.... It's about good versus evil. And what you said is evil. It's hate speech. I won't tolerate it."

Mr. Murphy won't, but I know someone who would and often does while clapping like a trained seal.

Buzzing Cheney's Harsh

From McClatchy
CIA official: no proof harsh techniques stopped terror attacks

You were saying, Dick?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"This doesn't happen in America! Maybe in Ohio, but not in America!"*

An example of what the right thinks DHS has no business being concerned about.


Update: Dave Neiwert explains, in depth, the willful distortion of fact that on right-wing oly served to heighten Obama-rage among the Sgt Furious set when the infamous DHS document was released:
"This is, in fact, precisely accurate -- and as we pointed out from the get-go, this is the view not merely of DHS, but of the FBI. A July 2008 assessment of the situation by the FBI (titled White Supremacist Recruitment of Military Personnel Since 9/11) found that the numbers of identifiable neo-Nazis within the ranks was quite small (only a little over 200), but warned:

Military experience—ranging from failure at basic training to success in special operations forces—is found throughout the white supremacist extremist movement. FBI reporting indicates extremist leaders have historically favored recruiting active and former military personnel for their knowledge of firearms, explosives, and tactical skills and their access to weapons and intelligence in preparation for an anticipated war against the federal government, Jews, and people of color.

... The prestige which the extremist movement bestows upon members with military experience grants them the potential for influence beyond their numbers. Most extremist groups have some members with military experience, and those with military experience often hold positions of authority within the groups to which they belong.

... Military experience—often regardless of its length or type—distinguishes one within the extremist movement. While those with military backgrounds constitute a small percentage of white supremacist extremists, FBI investigations indicate they frequently have higher profiles within the movement, including recruitment and leadership roles.

... New groups led or significantly populated by military veterans could very likely pursue more operationally minded agendas with greater tactical confidence. In addition, the military training veterans bring to the movement and their potential to pass this training on to others can increase the ability of lone offenders to carry out violence from the movement’s fringes."
But we can assume from the anger and scorn present in so many online posts from the right that this particular security matter is best left unexamined. Because keeping America safe comes second to not making their side look bad. Now that's national security they can believe in!

Update 2:
Balloon Juice:
"Here is a suggestion if Michelle still needs shoulder to cry on. Go find a cop. There’s no need to come to southwestern PA; I saw squad cars from Michigan, Massachusetts and Canada at Thursday’s funeral. Tell him or her how completely unfair it feels to have the government keeping an eye on paranoid gun fetishists. She can explain to her new friend how the government was never meant to use unrestrained police powers on her kind of American."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fractured Fairytale

Another rightwing lie gets the viral treatment among wingnut bloggers and conservative media.

Must be one of those deeply held principles of theirs that I keep hearing about.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Somewhere Over The Storm Clouds

Oh no! The Gathering Gay Storm is a comin'!!!
And we all know after the storm often comes the rainbow.
So for The National Organization for Marriage, their moral discomfort is really just beginning.

But please don't tell them. It's an awesome video and they worked so hard on it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tearing At The Social Fabrication

Paul Krugman talks Tea Parties

"Thus, President Obama is being called a “socialist” who seeks to destroy capitalism. Why? Because he wants to raise the tax rate on the highest-income Americans back to, um, about 10 percentage points less than it was for most of the Reagan administration. Bizarre."

Sunday, April 12, 2009

P Is For Dumb

George W. Bush, seen here swinging into action on 9/11/01

We're, what, 83 day's into Obama's presidency and the rightwing rage of the day is already up to the letter "p". As in "pirates" and "pizza".
The first outcries were over the fact that Obama refused to dive into the troubled waters off the coast of Africa with knife gripped firmly between his teeth, as George W. Bush would have done minutes into the crisis. Then when Captain Phillips jumps over board and Navy Seals wrap up the rescue operation, killing three of the kidnapp... sorry, pirates, and capturing the fourth, we learn from certain rightwing bloggers - yar, experts they be in all things military* - that the Seals apparently aquired their bravery and pro-active skills through personal training from none other than W himself. Seriously.

As for pizzagate. Well, that's just The Stupid once again coming home to roost.
"In fact, Chris Sommers flew commercial.
Not only that, he flew coach.
Not only that, he had already planned a business trip to DC, so the restaurant paid for his travel!
Finally, Barack Obama isn't saddling the American taxpayer with the tab for this feast. He's picking up the tab, for local ingredients, out of his own pocket."

Awesome, accurate reporting from the right, once again.
Or as Sadly, No puts it:
"So, Jack-o, what do you want on your pizza pie? How ’bout library paste, applesauce and an extra topping of melted stupid?"

*obligatory Pirate dialect.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Continuing Down The Wrong Path

Glenn Greenwald is right. It doesn't matter who is in office. This level of secrecy and immunity is just plain wrong.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If I Had An "I Wish I'd Said That" List

The last sentence of this post would be at the top of it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Glenn Beck Is Ready For His Close-Up


Cry Baby Cry, Make Your Mother Sigh

Note "victim" expression (left), "meanie" expression (right).

Today's Right-wing Outrage™ stems from "Waaahhh, that mean man is saying mean things about our favorite president." Syndrome.

All this nonsense about how Obama is a coward because he has to go to Europe to badmouth Bush is just full on denial. The man ran his campaign, in part, by knocking the previous president's colossal failures and promising a new direction away from the last disastrous eight years.

That is why he won.

In fact, Obama even cut W down at the inauguration, while the petulant one was sitting just a few feet away. That's someone in possession of gigantic Presidential cajones.

adding: I don't really have to talk about how what was actually being said by Obama in Europe was that there are problems of perception that need to be fixed for relations to improve. That is obvious to any honest person who has been exposed to opinions in both Europe and the United States. "Obama the Anti-American" is just another typically phony conservative talking point design to rile up the party faithful. If America is perfection to them why are we subjected to FOX News and their unstable stable of professional complainers? The irony is that every time a conservative opens their mouth to complain about people who criticize aspects of America, they do so by criticizing aspects of America (the coastal states, progressives, Hollywood, hurricane victims, 9/11 widows, gays, people who enjoy drinking lattes etc. etc. - they are all part of the U.S.A.).
Precisely why so many rational people don't waste their time respecting what these cartoon characters have to say.

Edited For More Phony Outrage

Sean Hannity edits Obama's speech just to help him get another hour of his career.

These guys can't even whine without having to first distort reality.

Thursday, April 2, 2009