Friday, February 27, 2009

Logic Bored

Digby observes CPAC putting it in reverse and swerving into the ideological ditch. It's nice to see the right not getting why they lost the last two elections and just continuing the things that got them where they are today.

Please take extra time to enjoy the words of Charles Pierce in the Update at the bottom of Digby's post.
"No. You're idiots and your mothers are embarrassed by every single one of you.
These are people who never learned that a sneer is not logic and that a string of adjectives is not an argument. All that matters is Pissing Off The Liberals."

I think we all know someone who fits that description.

I have not seen such a thorough a dismissal of the petulant right since this classic.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eruptile Disfunction

Meet the GOP's next Reagan.


or as TBogg put it:
"Bobby Jindal's presidential aspirations blew up tonight like a cheap condom on the end of a fire hose."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good Godwin Ms. Malkin

With friends like this, who needs enemas?

Adding - Some may argue the highly principled™ "they did it first" argument.  
In fact I would argue that the highly principled™ have been doing it for years.  
Or my name isn't Ernst Zundel.

What A Fool Believes

Well here we are again.
You know, one needs to do no more than wait a few days after most right wing attacks on Liberal policy to check their in box and find that the attacks are the usual bunch of bull pulled not from their vast knowledge on any particular subject but rather from the vast recesses of their hind region.

Case in point: Betsy McCaughey.
She writes an article attacking Obama's plans for health care. An article so full of holes it can be used to strain the pasta I cooked for a delicious spaghetti and meatballs dinner I made from a recipe my beloved mother shared with me.

Oh yeah, Betsy is a real piece of compromised work. Only a right wing lemming conditioned to gobble up anything that fits his narrow ill informed world view would swallow her argument hook line and sinker and then go about spreading her lies online without first checking for accuracy. But then again, accuracy has never been a driving principle behind rightwing ideology.

As I always say of people like that: "He knows everything, but that's all he knows."

Responsible retraction in 3, 2, 1, infinity....