Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Senator Franken Makes A Joke

...out of Diana Furchtgott-Roth.
The right wing shill and Senior Fellow from the conservative think tank Hudson Institute tried the usual bogus fear-mongering about how moving to a European style health care system would create more medical bankruptcies.
One of her big mistakes, other than being a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute thereby having to make awkward water cooler conversation with Douglas Feith, was in not realizing that Franken is a policy wonk and likes nothing more than to call bullshit where he sees it.

He saw it in Furchtgott-Roth:

Another " government shouldn't give handouts to those too lazy to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps!" argument made by a right-wing group that provides for themselves through hard work and personal initiative accepts government funding.

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