Friday, March 27, 2009

Republican's To The Rescue!!!11!!

"One trick is to tell them stories that don't go anywhere. 
Like the time I took the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel 
for my shoe so I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they 
called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, 
which was the style at the time..."

In the time that it takes for Abe Simpson to get through a story and with almost as much substance and relevance, the GOP rolls out it's awesomest alternative budget ever.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Children, Part Eleventyhundred - The Indulgening

Telepromptergate - the wingnuts current best and brightest attempt at journamalism, notwithstanding Photoshopgate, Birthcertifigate, Terroristfistbumpgate, Nojacketintheovalofficegate, DVDgate. etc. etc. etcgate.

So, to stay on top of this ever so big story, John Aravosis asks the important question: "What kind of moron uses a teleprompter?"

End of story (if only).

Adding: Oh what the heck. This bit of perspective from David Letterman merely serves to punctuate the point.

Gee, sorry, I'm all out of tissue. Hey, I know. Why don't you just act like a grown-up?

A reply from TBogg to the wingnut whiners*:
"On behalf of those of us who watched an asleep-at-the-wheel president oversee a relatively large terrorist attack on our shores precipitating an invasion of a country with no ties to that terrorist attack at a cost of $600 billion and counting, 4000 military lives and counting, warrantless eavesdropping, torture, diminished standing in the world, epic incompetence while a great American city was destroyed, a surplus turned upside down and turned into a massive deficit, a war on science and the environment, and stocking various departments of the government with graduates of Jesus Rode A Dinosaur University .... consider us unsympathetic."
Or, as Jack Sparrow would say...

*I prefer to call them snivelers.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rush's Greatest Hits

The many lows of the high moral compass of the Republican party.

Another Layer Off The Stinking Onion

In the Bush administration, it appears Freedom was just another word for "something we don't want you to have":
In perhaps the most surprising assertion, the Oct. 23, 2001, memo suggested the president could even suspend press freedoms if he concluded it was necessary to wage the war on terror.

The President of the United States takes an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" not to dismantle it, which is exactly what Bush tried to do.