Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Obama My God!

Last night on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart did a segment that included the right's over reaction to school kids singing a song with lyrics about The Great Black Marxist from Kenya.
Rough transcript:
"Alright, so that's one school in New Jersey. Obama had nothing to do with it. It occurred during Black History Month just after the inauguration. It was part of a program saluting other presidents as well and parents were notified of the lyrics before hand. And there were no complaints before the show, during the show or after the show. I believe I have said everything up to the appropriate level of panic."

What followed was a montage of FOX news clips showing various crazy FOX people panicking well above the appropriate level - also known as "their normal state of mind" - going on about Hitler, indoctrination and even the Khmer Rouge.

Back to Stewart who then went on to say "If you can brainwash kids to sing a song praising the first African American president you can probably convince them that president Bush and FEMA did a great job during Hurricane Katrina" We are then treated to a video of Laura Bush with the "Katrina Kids" praising another president.
Stewart quotes the lyrics: "Congress, Bush and FEMA people across our land together have come to rebuild us and we join them hand in hand."
So, again, selective outrage grips the right.
I wanted to link to the Daily show clip but, being in Canada prevents me from doing so - thanks a lot Comedy Central. If you too reside in the Home of Evil Socialized Medicine and Geddy Lee, you can see the show here for as long as it's on their site.

In lieu of that, I did manage to find this charming performance which, much to my shock and awe, never registered on the right's constantly red-lined outrage-o-meter.


The History Of "Rogue"

Professional quitter Sarah Palin is happy to announce her ghost writer, Lynn Vincent, has finished her book. The title, Going Rogue, however cute and sassy it may seem to Americans south of Canada's border, may not sit so well with Alaskans familiar with Palin's not so cute politics.

During the ethics investigation of Sarah Palin now known as "Troopergate," that phrase became seared into the collective consciousness of Alaskans. Palin's spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton used that word referring not to Palin, but to former Commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan. Palin had pressured Monegan to fire her ex-brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten, whose nasty divorce from Palin's sister had left bitter feelings. Monegan refused to fire him, and was subsequently dismissed by the governor, leaving the Department of Public Safety without leadership and leaving many Alaskans with a bad taste in their mouths.
In a stinging press conference, Stapleton said that Monegan, a particularly well-liked and respected public servant, former police chief and ex-Marine had displayed "egregious rogue behavior." Stapleton, who had been a respected news anchor before her association with Palin, suffered withering criticism from Alaskans on both sides of the political spectrum. Alaska is a small town. Monegan was no "rogue," everyone knew it, and the use of the term disgraced her.

Classy? You betcha.

An independent investigator was hired to look into the firing.
How did that go?
"I conclude that such claims of fear were not bona fide and were offered to provide cover for the Palins' real motivation: to get Trooper Wooten fired for personal family reasons," Branchflower wrote.
The Branchflower report states Todd Palin used his wife's office and its resources to press for Wooten's removal, and the governor "failed to act" to stop it. But because Todd Palin is not a state employee, the report makes no finding regarding his conduct.

Poor Todd. His own douchebaggery forever to wallow in the shadow of his wife's big league muchmoredouchierbaggery.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Platform Of Torture

Adam Sewer at The American Prospecton on the rising star of the GOP, Liz Cheney:
"Reality, it seems, is a nemesis not only for the former vice president but for the entire Cheney family."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And Ye Shall Know His Compassion By The Women He Mocks Tears He Sheds

I give you Right-wing role model, the King of Crybabies, and the current face of FOX, Glenn Beck.
A woman's tragedy is his comedy.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh My God. Obama Has A Time Machine!

More panic from the right:
Obama's Dems are fascists!!!
They will no longer tolerate TRUTH!!!
Pre-emptive censorshiiiiiiip!!!!!!

Except, again, not

"[Just to clarify: Even though I clearly wrote that it was the committee "primer' -- and not the rules themselves -- that were updated, I've gotten a bunch of emails from readers who think Slaughter and Co. actually revised the underlying regs. Not so. The document produced was merely a new guide of existing rules.]"

Obviously this proves Obama has the ability to travel back in time where he creates policies that will help him in his takeover of the galaxy.
I like this area 51 very much.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Protesting Numbers

Lies and the Lying Liars - Part 2,000,000

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Thank you to the Republicans last night who proved that Van Jones' assessment of them was spot on.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I caught some hi-lights from Obama's speech to America's students today. I must admit I was a bit surprised at the end, after the students kissed his ring, when he suddenly and without prior warning produced brown shirt uniforms sized and ready to wear for all in attendance. Who knew he would have been that well prepared in advance? On the production side of things, the burning torches that lined the gigantic arena where the speech took place added a nice theatrical touch and lit the busts of Stalin, Marx, Malcom X, Saddam Hussein, William Ayers and Jean Naigeon in a rather dramatic way.

All in all, I think it went well.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bullying Face Puncher Weak Frail Victim Loses Finger And Sympathy

Sheesh. What kind of thug bites a finger just because it's on a hand that's punching him in the face?
Is there no limit to the savagery of these anti face punchers?

In the real world if you are dumb enough to leave your fist in a guys mouth you don't call foul when your fingers get eated. I'm not saying Rice can't get upset by the loss of a finger but hopefully he is also embarrassed by the sleazy type of political opportunist who plays the victim card in his name and portrays him as "the weakest most frail victim" guy.

Now, what was that I recently read about calling the waaaaambulance?

Also this:
The exception was a tall 65-year-old man in an orange shirt who Kuns said "was displaying what I would consider to be intimidating behavior." He first picked on a pro-reform woman more than a foot shorter than him, stretching his arms out and shooing her away as he advanced on her and she backpedaled.

"It appeared to me that he was saying, basically, get on your own side of the street now," Kuns said. "He was chasing her."

Next on the anti-reformer's harassment list was a pro-reformer who appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s, was stocky, and several inches shorter than the 65-year-old. Though Kuns isn't sure how the pro-reformer ended up on the anti side of the street, she saw the two men face to face, exchanging words.

Then the anti-reformer in the orange shirt "punches him straight up in the face, right between the eyes." The smaller pro-reformer's glasses and hat flew off, and he fell into the street.

"I don't know who started it wordwise," Kuns said, "but I can tell you for sure that the guy who threw the first punch was the anti guy. And can he punch hard! He knocked this guy down into the street."

"Weakest, most frail victim".
It's hard to tell which runs deeper around these bedwetters from "victimhood" - their bullshit or their crocodile tears