Tuesday, May 12, 2009

On Shaky Ground

Making fun of the guy with Parkinson's Disease:
Har dee har har!

Making fun of the guy who makes fun of the guy with Parkinson's Disease:
Well, I never!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Letterman Kicks Dick

Funny because it's true.

Confronting Demons

In his May 4th column, Dan Froomkin includes this comment by Deepak Chopra:
"People don't want to hear about bad things from the past when the present is loaded down with more than enough bad things. But inconvenience and fatigue aren't good excuses. There is anger from the left — and not just the left — about an inexcusable Bush policy. There are demons in the closet, and shutting the door on them won't make them go away. Better to deal with it now, when a new president's idealism is still fresh. It will take idealism to face the torture issue. Otherwise, any truth commission will either turn into a vengeance squad or go the other way and sweep too much under the rug.

"The more the right wing tries to justify the torture policy, the worse they look. Using national security to justify torture is just a bald-faced attempt to hide the truth. What really went on was simple. The Bush administration felt that Al-Qaida could not be defeated while still preserving what America stands for."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

“Enemy fighters at two o'clock!" "Roger. What should I do until then?”

Conservative beacons Hannity and Coulter show their deep respect for combat veterans.