Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm Just Sayin'

I'm not saying Bill O'Reilly is a member of NAMBLA. I'm just saying there is no difference between what the two do. I just want everybody to know that.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Right Priority

If you are a misogynistic right-wing arm-chair warrior dedicated to the "Bush-never-makes-a-mistake-ever-la-la-la..." world view, then, yes, I guess you could say things are getting better in Afghanistan.

Otherwise you might be inclined to think it's getting worse.

But more important to the former is "Ubama is a Secret Muslim!!! Hitlary looks scary in photographs!!! Run for your lives!!!"

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Observations 101

From our "It Should Go Without Saying" Dept.:

If you are going to doff your pajamas in "Solidarity" and show the world the size of your balls by posting the controversial Muhammed cartoons, it would be a better tribute to your testicular vastness if you didn't do it, you know, anonymously.

Popularity Context

John Dickerson is a silly, silly man.

Wilted Flowers

Christine M. Flowers, like so many right-wing (knee)jerks, has been spouting absolute nonsense when it comes to Barak Obama. As usual, their arguments are easily dismantled by doing a bit of what responsible journalists and bloggers do: research.
But then, if Flowers and her fellow serious Jrrrnalists™ did that, they would have nothing to knicker-knot about.

Adding: Is referring to Obama as "Halfrican" supposed to add some sort of dignity to the political discourse?

Friday, February 1, 2008

Straw Man Weak Man

Here is some good reading for the brilliant minds who believe FOX news to be fair and balanced.

...and while on the topic of reading.