Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Nine Hundred And Thirty Five

That's the minimum number of times a certain distant relative of mine has been suckered by The Most Awesomest Administration Evah!™
There's even a database so we can search through all the suckerage.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Your Liberal Press At Work

Bombshell Of A Story Gets Worldwide Coverage*!
*offer void in the U.S.

Sane Drain

Abu Wabu, seen here relaxing on his front lawn.

It appears I have a new title, courtesy of my warblogging brother. According to him, I am a "liberal fascist".
Where he gets this from, I'm not sure. Maybe the aliens have been visiting him again planting their thoughts inside his empty vessel.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Nail Hit On Head. Hammer Apologizes

It was the apology that was wrong.
I can only put this down to another example of Classic Tory Lapdoggedry™.