Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Unlisted Number
It's the end of the year so it's time for lists to start popping up all over the place.
The top 25 censored stories for 2009.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Anybody Else Notice...
...that Air America Radio, despite years of expert predictions of imminent failure by right-wing wishful thinkers, is still on the air heading into a new era of Liberal-Fascist-Latte-Sipping-Socialist-Marxist-Communist-Secret-Sharia governance?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Blowing Off The Truths
Another lie about Obama gets spread by the right.
Because facts are just an inconvenient truth.
Because facts are just an inconvenient truth.
Monday, March 24, 2008
X Misses The Spot
Five years into the "Sweets and Flowers" festival in Iraq, Craig Unger reviews the crunchy cluster that got the party started in the first place.
"X seems to suggest that all this could have been the result of mere ineptitude. However, I cite, on the record, no fewer than nine former officials in the military and intelligence worlds who characterize the Niger document episode as black propaganda or part of a disinformation campaign that was intentionally done to mislead the American people into supporting a war."
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Five Years Into "Stay The Course"
Op Ed in the NY Times - Mission Still Not Accomplished:
Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney refuse to let these facts interfere with their benighted notion of keeping troops in Iraq indefinitely and insisting that Iraq — not Afghanistan and Pakistan where Al Qaeda and the Taliban have gained ground — must remain America’s top priority.
It was clear long ago that Mr. Bush had no plan for victory, only a plan for handing this mess to his successor. Americans need to choose a president with the vision to end this war as cleanly as possible.
BBC Headline Of The Day

"They have urged them to get tetanus vaccinations before they flagellate themselves and are nailed to crosses, and to practise good hygiene. "
Because it doesn't matter if people think you're crazy. They'll be won over by that fresh Irish Spring scent.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Barack Lichtenberg Obama
Speaking of Roger Lichtenberg Simon, did you know Lichtenberg was also the site of the extensive headquarters complex of the Stasi!!!???
Isn't that an important and relevant observation?!?
Isn't that an important and relevant observation?!?
Turns Out He Did It For The Air Conditioning
A poetic response to Roger Lichtenberg Simon from TBogg.
In the end, one must ask: "Is Roger L. Simon good enough to be the next Kirk Van Houten?"
Sadly, No.
In the end, one must ask: "Is Roger L. Simon good enough to be the next Kirk Van Houten?"
Sadly, No.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Hey, Did You Smear The One About Obama?
Ari Berman on the smearing of Obama.
Basically he explains why it is I double over in fits of laughter whenever the right complains about the lack of civility in the political discourse.
Basically he explains why it is I double over in fits of laughter whenever the right complains about the lack of civility in the political discourse.
Seeing No End In Sight
Just saw No End In Sight on CBC's Passionate Eye documentary series.
It's a must see.
From the film's website:
It's a must see.
From the film's website:
NO END IN SIGHT examines the manner in which the principal errors of U.S. policy – the use of insufficient troop levels, allowing the looting of Baghdad, the purging of professionals from the Iraqi government, and the disbanding of the Iraqi military – largely created the insurgency and chaos that engulf Iraq today. How did a group of men with little or no military experience, knowledge of the Arab world or personal experience in Iraq come to make such flagrantly debilitating decisions? NO END IN SIGHT dissects the people, issues and facts behind the Bush Administration’s decisions and their consequences on the ground to provide a powerful look into how arrogance and ignorance turned a military victory into a seemingly endless and deepening nightmare of a war.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday Sermon
TBogg supplies a few well chosen words regarding what I can only assume is a very authentic Panic™ that has gripped the bedwetters on the right who are losing so much sleep due to their fears that Barack Secret-Muslim-Manchurian-Candidate Obama may turn the White House into the Black House.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Geography Lessening
As one wades through all the Very Serious smear jobs being levelled at Barack Look!-His-middle-name-is-just-like-Saddam's-so-he-must-keep-a-summer-home-in-Gaza Obama, we must remember the kind of brilliant minds on the right who have been leading the charge.
A prime example:
The ironically named Astute Bloggers with their history making geography lesson:
You cannot make this stuff up.
Unless of course you're an Ass Toot Blogger.
A prime example:
The ironically named Astute Bloggers with their history making geography lesson:
You cannot make this stuff up.
Unless of course you're an Ass Toot Blogger.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Over at Hullabaloo, as dday points out, W can't give advice without being a hypocrite.
Atrios adds an "Indeed".
Atrios adds an "Indeed".
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I'm Just Sayin'
I'm not saying Bill O'Reilly is a member of NAMBLA. I'm just saying there is no difference between what the two do. I just want everybody to know that.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Right Priority
If you are a misogynistic right-wing arm-chair warrior dedicated to the "Bush-never-makes-a-mistake-ever-la-la-la..." world view, then, yes, I guess you could say things are getting better in Afghanistan.
Otherwise you might be inclined to think it's getting worse.
But more important to the former is "Ubama is a Secret Muslim!!! Hitlary looks scary in photographs!!! Run for your lives!!!"
Otherwise you might be inclined to think it's getting worse.
But more important to the former is "Ubama is a Secret Muslim!!! Hitlary looks scary in photographs!!! Run for your lives!!!"
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Observations 101
From our "It Should Go Without Saying" Dept.:
If you are going to doff your pajamas in "Solidarity" and show the world the size of your balls by posting the controversial Muhammed cartoons, it would be a better tribute to your testicular vastness if you didn't do it, you know, anonymously.
If you are going to doff your pajamas in "Solidarity" and show the world the size of your balls by posting the controversial Muhammed cartoons, it would be a better tribute to your testicular vastness if you didn't do it, you know, anonymously.
Wilted Flowers
Christine M. Flowers, like so many right-wing (knee)jerks, has been spouting absolute nonsense when it comes to Barak Obama. As usual, their arguments are easily dismantled by doing a bit of what responsible journalists and bloggers do: research.
But then, if Flowers and her fellow serious Jrrrnalists™ did that, they would have nothing to knicker-knot about.
Adding: Is referring to Obama as "Halfrican" supposed to add some sort of dignity to the political discourse?
But then, if Flowers and her fellow serious Jrrrnalists™ did that, they would have nothing to knicker-knot about.
Adding: Is referring to Obama as "Halfrican" supposed to add some sort of dignity to the political discourse?
Monday, February 11, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Straw Man Weak Man
Here is some good reading for the brilliant minds who believe FOX news to be fair and balanced.
...and while on the topic of reading.
...and while on the topic of reading.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Nine Hundred And Thirty Five
That's the minimum number of times a certain distant relative of mine has been suckered by The Most Awesomest Administration Evah!™
There's even a database so we can search through all the suckerage.
There's even a database so we can search through all the suckerage.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sane Drain
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Nail Hit On Head. Hammer Apologizes
It was the apology that was wrong.
I can only put this down to another example of Classic Tory Lapdoggedry™.
I can only put this down to another example of Classic Tory Lapdoggedry™.
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